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Albers, P., Vasquez, VM, Harste, JC (2019). Critical Visual Discourse Analysis. 
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Harste, J.C., and Vasquez, V.M. (2017). What Do We Mean by Literacy Now: Critical Curricular 
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Albers, P., Vasquez, V.M., & Harste, J.C. (2017). Critically reading image in digital times. In K. Mills, J. Pandya, A. Stornaiuolo & A. Smith (Eds.), Handbook of writing, literacies and education in digital culture. New York, NY: Routledge.

Albers, P., Harste, J.C., Vasquez, V.M. (2015). Critical and Multimodal Literacy Curricula. In Hamilton, M., Heydon, R., Hibbert K and Stooke, R. (Eds). Negotiating Spaces for Literacy Learning. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. 

Vasquez, V. (2014). Using the Everyday to Engage in Critical Literacy. In Winograd, K. Critical Literacies and Young Learners. New York, Routledge. pp. 44-53. 

Vasquez, V. (2013) Digital Technologies as Expressive Tools. In Albers, M., Holbrook, T., and Seely-Flint, A. (Eds) New Methods in Literacy Research. New York, N.Y.: Routledge. 

Vasquez, V., Albers, M. & Harste, J.C. (2013) Digital Media, Critical Literacy and the Everyday: Exploring Writing in the 21st Century. In Myers, R. & Whitmore, K. (Eds) Reclaiming Writing.  New York, N.Y.: Routledge. 

Vasquez, V. (2013) Re-designing Critical Literacies. In Pandya, J. & Avila, J. (Eds) A New Look at Critical Literacies:  Theories and Practices Across Contexts. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.

Vasquez, V. (2013) Children’s Literature: A Critical Literacy Perspective. In Kosnik, C., Simon, R., Williamson, P., Rowsell, J. & Beck, C. (Eds) Literacy Teacher Educators: Preparing Teachers for a Changing World. New York, N.Y.: Sense Publishers. 

Vasquez, V. (2012) Critical Literacy. In Banks, J.A.  Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

Albers, P., Harste, J.C. & Vasquez, V. (2012). Interrupting Certainty and Making Trouble: Teachers’ Written and Visual Responses to Picturebooks. Dunston, P.J., Gambrell, L.B., Fullerton, S.K., Gillis, V.R., Headley, K., Stecker, P.S. (Eds.), 60thYearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 195-201). Oak Creek, WI: NRC. 

Albers, P., Vasquez, V., & Harste, J.C. (2011). Section IV: The Many Faces of Text. In Lapp, D. & Fisher, D. (Eds). The Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts. (pp. 159-160). Mahwah, NJ: Routledge-LAE. 2 pages. 

Albers, P., Vasquez, V., & Harste, J.C. (2011). Making Visual Analysis Critical. In Lapp, D. & Fisher, D. (Eds). The Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts. (pp. 195-201). Mahwah, NJ: Routledge-LA. 7 pages. 

Vasquez,V., Harste, Jerome C., and Albers, P. (2010) From the Personal to the Worldwide Web: Moving Teachers into Positions of Critical Interrogation. In Baker, E.A. The New Literacies Multiple Perspectives on Research and Practice. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Vasquez, V. & VanderZanden, S. (2009). Critical Moves in Literacy Education. In Cooper, K. (Ed). Critical Literacies in Action: Social Perspectives and Teaching Practices. (pp. 117-126). New York, N.Y. : Springer Publishing Company. 9 pages. 

Vasquez, V. (Contributor) (2005). Critical Literacy. In Larson, J. & Marsh, J. Making Literacy Real. (pp. 40-67). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 38 pages. 

Vasquez, V. (2001). Constructing a Critical Curriculum with Young Children. In Comber, B. & Simpson, A. (Eds.). Critical Literacy at Elementary Sites. (pp. 55-66). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 11 pages. 

Vasquez, V. (2001). Classroom Inquiry into the Incidental Unfolding of Social Justice Issues: Seeking Out Possibilities in the Lives of Learners. In Comber, B. & Cakmac, S. (Eds.). Critiquing Whole Language and Classroom Inquiry. (pp.200-215).Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 15 pages.

Harste, J., M. Lewison, C. Leland, A. Ociepka & V. Vasquez (2000). Exploring Critical Literacy: You Can Hear a Pin Drop. In NCTE (Eds.) Trends and Issues in Elementary Language Arts. (pp.203-218). Urbana,IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 15 pages. 

Albright, J., Church, S. Settle, S, & Vasquez, V. (1999). A Conversation about Critical Literacy. In Edelsky, C. (Ed.) Making Justice Our Project. (pp. 144-162). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 18 pages.

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